
English Profile

楊志強  博士



國立臺北教育大學師資培育暨就業輔導 處教育學系教授
捷克Czech University of Agriculture Prague經濟系交換學者
University of Northern Colorado測驗統計博士
美國University of Northern Colorado應用統計與研究方法碩士
美國University of Northern Colorado數學學士




Chen, W. -T., Chang, S. -J., Yang, C. -C., Tsuei, M. -P., & Wang, S. -C. (2019). Disadvantaged student success in college and employment: Information and implications for informed decision making. SEAAIR 2019: The 19th Annual Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Yang, C. -C. (2016). Assessment of uncertainty: Reliability and validity perspectives. ICEP 2016: 2016 Taiwan International Conference on Education and Psychology, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, Y. -C., Chang, Y. -W., & Yang, C. -C. (2015). Subjective well-being of Taiwan children and its social and behavioral determinants. ISCI 2015: 5th Conference of the International Society for Child Indicators, Cape Town, South Africa.

Yang, C. -C. (2014). Development of assessment of statistical problem solving process components for Taiwanese adolescents. APERA 2014: Managing global changes and education reforms: Asia and Pacific Responses, Hong Kong, China.

Yang, C. -C. (2014). A study of competency indicators of statistics education for younger pupils in Taiwan. APERA 2014: Managing global changes and education reforms: Asia and Pacific Responses, Hong Kong, China.

Yang, C. -C., & Yang, C. -C. (2013). Categorical latent interactions of multinomial linguistic components. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, 20(2), 105-124. (SSCI and AHCI)

Yang, C. -C., & Lian, T. -Y. (2013). A study of interaction effects between proficiency levels in science and reading engagement for Taiwanese adolescents’ science performance in PISA 2009. EASE 2013: Building an international platform for exchange between scientists and science educators, Hong Kong, China.

Yang, C. -C., & Su, W. -H. (2013). Item Analysis of Test of Identifying Science Issues for Pre-Service Elementary School Teachers in Taiwan. EASE 2013: Building an international platform for exchange between scientists and science educators, Hong Kong, China.

Yang, C. -C., & Su, F. -Y. (2012). A study of interaction effects between levels of mathematics proficiency and reading engagement for Taiwanese adolescents' mathematical literacy: A case of Taiwan in PISA 2009. In T. Y. Tso (Ed.). Proceedings of the 36th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 1 (pp. 281). Taipei, Taiwan: PME.

Yang, C. -C., & Chen, Y. -R. (2012). Development of mathematical literacy test for secondary school students in Taiwan. In T. Y. Tso (Ed.). Proceedings of the 36th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 4 (pp. 335). Taipei, Taiwan: PME.

Yang, C. -C. & Su, F. -Y. (2012). A study of interaction effects between levels of mathematics proficiency and reading engagement for Taiwanese adolescents' mathematical literacy: A case of Taiwan in PISA 2009. PME 36: The 36th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education: Opportunities to Learn in Mathematics Education, Taipei, Taiwan.

Yang, C. -C. & Chen, Y. -R. (2012). Development of mathematical literacy test for secondary school students in Taiwan. PME 36: The 36th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education: Opportunities to Learn in Mathematics Education, Taipei, Taiwan.

Yang, C. -C. & Chan, H. -F. (2011). Item analysis of test of using scientific evidence for pre-service elementary school teachers in Taiwan. EASE 2011: Lighting the world with science, Gwangju, Republic of Korea.

Yang, C. -C. & Lin, D. -Y. (2011). Development of professional competency indicators for Mathematics pre-service teachers in Taiwan junior high schools. EASE 2011: Lighting the world with science, Gwangju, Republic of Korea.

Chen, C. -R., Tsai, L. -T., Yang, C. -C., & Yang, C. -C. (2010). Latent variable models for assessing interaction effects in cognitive neuroscience.  In W. Yu, M. Zhang, L. Wang, & Y. Song (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2010 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, BMEI 2010, Vol. 7 (pp. 336-340). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/BMEI.2010.5639504. (EI Compendex and ISTP)

Yang, C. -C. (2009). Elementary school mathematics education in Taiwan. The International Conference of Perspectives on Elementary Education and Teacher Training in the Globalization Era, Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Yang, C. -C., & Yang, C. -C. (2007). Separating latent classes by information criteria. Journal of Classification, 24(2), 183-203. (SSCI & SCI)

Yang, C. -C. (2007). Confirmatory and structural categorical latent variables models. Quality & Quantity, 41, pp. 831-849. (SSCI)

Chung, J., & Yang, C. -C. (2006). A national survey of young children’s understanding of basic time concepts. In J. Novatna, H. Moraova, M. Kratka & N. Stehlikova (Eds.). Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 1 (pp. 237). Prague, Czech: PME.

Yang, C. -C., Yang, C. -C., & Chaou, W.-T. (2005). Functional Correlations of Spatial Quantitative EEG and Intelligences in a Nonalphabetical Language Group. Applied Neuropsychology, 12(3), 151-157.  (SCI(E) & NCI)

Yang, C. -C., Yang, C. -C., & Yeh, K. -H. (2005). Ecological-Inference-Based Latent Growth Models: Modeling Changes of Alienation. Quality & Quantity, 39,  pp. 125-135. (SSCI)

Yang, C. -C., & Yang, C. -C. (2004). Classifying Spatial Temporal Multi-frequency Quantitative EEG Brain Oscillations. NeuroImage, 22, S1, pp. S22-S60.  (SCI)

Yang, C. -C., & Yang, C. -C. (2004). Application for Strategy Model of Risk Management on School Safety Education. 2004 ISRLGInternational Symposium of Reconstruction, Life Education, and Guidance after the 921 Earthquake, 1999, Mingdao University, Taiwan.

Yang, C. -C., & Yang, C. -C. (2003). Longitudinal study of early Chinese linguistics growth: revealing sequential relations of linguistic antecedents and consequences. In Haruo Yanai, Akinori Okada, Kazuo Shigemasu, Yutaka Kano, and, Jacqueline J. Meulman, (eds.) New Developments on Psychometrics, (pp. 109-116). Tokyo, Japan:  Springer-Verlag.

Yang, C. -C. (2001). A comparative study of Bayesian and classic logistic estimates. Journal of the Overseas Chinese Institute of Technology, 19,  pp. 193-208. (THCI)

Yang, C. -C., & Yang, C. -C. (2001). Latent transition analysis for discrete survival data: An adolescence depression development paradigm.  The Fifth ICSA International Conference on latent variable models, Osaka, Japan.

Yang, C. -C., & Yang, C. -C. (2001). Longitudinal study of early linguistics growth: Investigating sequential relations.  AERA 2001, Seattle, WA, USA. (ERIC)

Yang, C. -C., Yang, C. -C., & Chen, B. -S. (2001). Mathematics problem solving performance assessment battery: Reliability and validity perspectives. The Fifth Symposium on Psychological and Educational Testing in Chinese Communities. National Taiwan Normal University.

Yang, C. -C., & Yang, C. -C. (2000). Mathematics Performance Assessment: Perspectives based on Bayesian Generalizability. In Darrell Fisher, and Jong-Hsiang Yang, (eds.) Improving Classroom Research Through International Cooperation: Proceedings of the Second Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, pp. 55-63, National Key Centre for School Science and Mathematics, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia.

Yang, C. -C., & Yang, C. -C. (2000). A study of graphical diagnostic methods for regression models. Journal of the Overseas Chinese Institute of Technology, 18, 219-237 (THCI)

Yang, C. -C., & Yang, C. -C. (2000). Reliability and Validity of Mathematics Performance Assessments: New Statistical Perspectives by Generalizability Theory. Second International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. Taipei, Taiwan.

Yang, C. -C., Liu, H. -C., & Yang, C. -C. (1999). The Dimensionality of Performance Assessment. Chung-Shi Bulletin of Mathematics and Science, 2, 133-144.

Yang, C. -C., Muthén, B., & Yang, C. -C. (1999). Finite Mixture Multivariate Generalized Linear Models Using Gibbs Sampling and E-M Algorithm. Proceedings of the National Science Council Part A: Physical Science and Engineering, 23(6), 1-8.(EI)

Yang, C. -C., & Yang, C. -C. (1999). Logistic Regression Model Selection with Applications in Pediatric Development. Shih Chien Journal, 30, 293-305. (THCI )

Yang, C. -C. (1998). Graphical diagnostic methods for regression models: A Monte Carlo study with application of Taiwanese kindergarten educators' work motivation.  Published doctoral dissertation, University of Northern Colorado.

Yang, C. -C. (1995). Comparative analysis of Bayesian and classic logistic estimates of higher education distributions in the four mid-west states of United States.  Published master thesis, University of Northern Colorado.





楊志強,共同主持人(2015-2017)。 我們的孩子健康幸福嗎?兒童青少年主觀幸福感、心理健康及其相關影響因素之探討。一0四年度多年期國科會研究案補助,NSC101-2511-S-152 -009-MY2。(計畫主持人: 林佑真)

楊志強,計畫主持人(2012-2014)。 以GAISE架構發展台灣學童統計問題解決程序能力之縱貫研究 。一0一年度多年期國科會研究案補助,NSC101-2511-S-152 -009-MY2。

楊志強,共同主持人(2010)。發展國民小學師資培育學系彈性調整修業規劃可行方案。教育部委託專案計畫。(計畫主持人: 陳碧祥)

楊志強,計畫主持人(2009-2011)。 國小職前教師科學能力及其教學專業知能之追蹤。九十八年度多年期國科會研究案補助,NSC 98-2511-S-152-011-MY3。

楊志強,共同主持人(2009)。標竿2010:合作探究與創構小學優質數理師資學程之設計、實施與評鑑發展計畫(3/3)。九十 八年度國科會多年期研究案補助 ,NSC 98-2522-S-152-001。(計畫主持人: 熊召弟)

楊志強,共同主持人(2009)。臺北市教師專業發展評鑑之後設評鑑報告。 臺北市教育局委託專案計畫。(計畫主持人: 吳麗君)

楊志強,計畫主持人(2008)。數學熟練編結理論穩定性之驗證:一群中小學生之縱貫研究 。九十七年度國科會研究案補助,NSC 97-2511-S-152-010

楊志強,共同主持人(2008)。標竿2010:合作探究與創構小學優質數理師資學程之設計、實施與評鑑發展計畫(2/3)。九十 七年度國科會多年期研究案補助 ,NSC 97-2522-S-152-001(計畫主持人: 熊召弟)

楊志強,計畫主持人(2007)。以學校本位觀點培育國小實習輔導教師專業知能之研究─子計畫二:以學校本位觀點培育國小實習輔導教師國語文評量專業知能之研究(3/3)。九十 六年度國科會多年期研究案補助,NSC 96-2522-S-152-002

楊志強,計畫主持人(2007)。中小學生科技問題解決能力之縱貫研究(3/3) 。九十六年度國科會多年期研究案補助,NSC 96-2511-S-152-001

楊志強,共同主持人(2007)。標竿2010:合作探究與創構小學優質數理師資學程之設計、實施與評鑑發展計畫(1/3)。九十六年度國科會多年期研究案補助 ,NSC 96-2522-S-152-005(計畫主持人: 熊召弟)

楊志強,共同主持人(2007)。 我國大學校院英語補救教學之縱貫研究。九十六年度國科會研究案補助,NSC 96-2411-H-152-013(計畫主持人: 許炳煌)

楊志強,計畫主持人(2006)。以學校本位觀點培育國小實習輔導教師專業知能之研究─子計畫二:以學校本位觀點培育國小實習輔導教師國語文評量專業知能之研究(2/3)。九十五年度國科會多年期研究案補助,NSC 95-2522-S-152-003

楊志強,計畫主持人(2006)。中小學生科技問題解決能力之縱貫研究(2/3) 。九十五年度國科會多年期研究案補助,NSC 95-2511-S-152-001


楊志強,計畫主持人(2005)。以學校本位觀點培育國小實習輔導教師專業知能之研究─子計畫二:以學校本位觀點培育國小實習輔導教師國語文評量專業知能之研究(1/3)。九十四年度國科會多年期研究案補助,NSC 94-2522-S-152-003

楊志強,計畫主持人(2005)。中小學生科技問題解決能力之縱貫研究(1/3) 。九十四年度國科會多年期研究案補助,NSC 94-2511-S-152-008

楊志強,計畫主持人(2004)。技職校院學生科技專業能力指標縱貫研究(3/3)。九十三年度國科會多年期研究案補助,NSC 93-2516-S-152-002


楊志強,計畫主持人(2003)。技職校院學生科技專業能力指標縱貫研究(2/3)。九十二年度國科會多年期研究案補助,NSC 92-2516-S-152-001


楊志強,計畫主持人(2002)。技職校院學生科技專業能力指標縱貫研究(1/3)。九十一年度國科會多年期研究案補助,NSC 91-2516-S-240-001

楊志強,共同主持人(2002)。學童多元數學能力實作評量指標之長期縱貫研究(3/3)。九十一年度國科會多年期研究案補助,NSC 91-2511-S-142-010(計畫主持人:楊志堅)



楊志強,共同主持人(2001)。學童多元數學能力實作評量指標之長期縱貫研究(2/3)。九十年度國科會多年期研究案補助,NSC 90-2511-S-142-010(計畫主持人:楊志堅)


楊志強,共同主持人(2000)。學童多元數學能力實作評量指標之長期縱貫研究(1/3)。八十九年度國科會多年期研究案補助,NSC 89-2511-S-142-010(計畫主持人:楊志堅)


楊志強,共同主持人(2000)。由TIMSS的學習成就評量與其在台灣的試測結果分析實作評量在評鑑多元智能的功能。八十八年度國科會研究案補助,NSC 89-2511-S-142-005(計畫主持人:楊志堅)

楊志強,共同主持人(2000)。中華職籃運動參與之預測模式。八十八年度國科會研究案補助,NSC 89-2413-H-003-012-S(計畫主持人:施致平)

楊志強,計畫主持人(1999)。Categorical and Continuous Latent Variable Model Selection with Econometric Application。八十八學年度僑光商業專科學校獎助教師專題研究。

楊志強,共同主持人(1999)。期貨與選擇權在產險公司避險上的應用之研究。八十八學年度僑光商業專科學校獎助教師專題研究 。(計畫主持人:張簡永章)
